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The Brain Behind the Words

The Brain Behind the Words
All Mine!!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

What's Mine Is Mine and What's Your's.....

As you can tell by the picture, Arkeo got lots of her favorite things from Santa - balls - all sorts of balls. Red ones and yellow ones - ones that sqeek - little ones and ones that can be used in the chuck-it. While the other two dogs chewed away on their bones, Arkeo gathered up all of the balls and just reveled in them.

It wasn't too long after that picture was taken, however, that Ruach came by, took a look over all the balls and just simply picked one up without so much as a by your leave.  You see Ruach believes what mine is mine and what's yours is mine. And Arkeo just takes it. I get on Ru to leave her little sister alone and to be nice to her little sister - but she takes the toy or the bone anyway and then grumbles at Arkeo if she gets too close. Arkeo gives me this look like - it's okay. There's more where that comes from. I'll just sneak it away when she goes outside. So far Arkeo has never argued over anything.  She seems to enjoy things when she has them but she's not going to make a fush over them - they're not important enough to draw blood over - especially with her big sister.

Wouldn't it be nice if things and possessions had so little meaning in our lives.  I mean, we could enjoy them while we have them. Be thankful when someone gives us something. It's always joyous to see to see the girls dance around when I have a treat or bone or toy to give them. They are so excited and happy. But as with the balls, if I take them away or one of them takes it from the other they find something else to occupy themselves. We humans on the other hands, get into fights and wars and lawsuits most of the time just over things.

We have just passed the Christmas season where a lot is made out of giving and receiving. I'm going to try to have more of an attitude like Arkeo has when it comes to things and possessions. If someone else needs it more than I do, I will give it up willingly know that my Creator will supply the things I need. It's really bad when I'm needing to grow my generousity to match my dog's.

It's time to start up training for the dog shows and maybe even start herding lessons so I'm sure there will be plenty of lessons to learn in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, we'll try to keep all four paws on the ground.

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